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Buyer's Guide
Assembly Option Information
Our trained mechanics will fully assemble your unit, do fully inspection, make necessary adjustment and tune up, then we do a road test to make sure everything are running properly. Our "Ready To Ride" package starts from $99.95 to $599.95 depending on the model.

*To prevent unwanted shipping damage, the Mirrors, storage pod, and windshield will not be installed in our ready to ride package.
*Please note that some vehicles do not come with assembly instructions.

It is still always necessary for you to check all bolts and verify the unit is in proper working conditions before riding the unit. It is the owner's sole responsibility to verify all Pre Delivery inspection parts and bolts prior to use. are not responsible for any issues related to the assembling, maintaining, or general caring of the unit. The owner must follow best practice guidelines with the unit. In addition, during shipping there are a change where wires and other connections may become unplugged or unhinged. Please perform an all points verification on the wiring connections, bolts, hinges, plastic connections, and other vital connections to ensure they have not been dislodged during shipping. Your safety is our primary goal, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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